
In the last post, I wrote “meaning and value are created in the human mind.” The mind and consciousness are related. I am conscious as I write these words. Broucek’s book Regaining Consciousness is an articulate one for elucidating this primary idea. However one (humans) imagines reality, there is a beginning primitive. Broucek writes that a primitive is not susceptible to definition. Primitives are root forms and not derived forms. Consciousness, spirit, soul, self are primitives.

A grand history of ideas is about the history of existence, consequently, it is not separate from the primitives mentioned such as spirit, consciousness.

A change is happening because the collective myths/maps/stories that are guiding humanity lead to the increasing circumstances of destruction, social pathology, of suffering in many forms.  Why?  Because they represent a limited conception of the human being, the earth and all the myriad forms of life that are embedded within. 

It starts with an image of the human being. A transformed image of the human being that transcends the limiting assumptions of the myths/maps/stories of the present is happening.

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